Each month, our team pick-up five figures on Fintech that you must know to better understand the magnitude of the disruption going on in the financial world.
This month, we highlight Banking CEOs and Fintech, investment in Blockchain, the risk of Fintech for the banking sector, Cloud computing and tech adoption:
81% of banking CEOs are concerned about the speed of technological change, more than any other industry sector.
Last year alone, 13 blockchain companies obtained over $365 million in funding. According to multiple sources, by the start of 2016, blockchain companies had raised well over a billion dollars to fund their development and operations.
Up to 28% of Business are at risk by 2020 in the banking and payment sector according to PwC Global Fintech Survey 2016.
52% of asset management CEOs believe that cloud computing will be strategically important to their organisation.
44% of those who earn less than $75,000 per year would trust a technology company for peer-to peer payments, and this rises to 68% among earners making more than $100,000.