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Comment faire votre veille de marché efficacement en 2021 grâce à la data ?

Comment faire votre veille de marché efficacement en 2021 grâce à la data ?

Juin 2007 : Apple lance son premier iPhone, qui ouvre l’ère des smartphones.
Près de 15 ans après, difficile d’imaginer la vie quotidienne sans ces petits appareils.
En parallèle, les ordinateurs personnels et l’accès à Internet se sont démocratisés.
Dans ce monde hyper connecté, le nombre de data échangées, créées par chacun d’entre nous, explose.
C’est une bonne nouvelle pour les entreprises : en s’appuyant dessus, elles peuvent réaliser leur veille de marché et détecter des opportunités pour leur activité.
Pas simple cependant de s’y retrouver dans la multitude de data et de les exploiter efficacement.
Comment procéder pour réaliser une veille de marché efficace en 2021, grâce à la data ?

C’est tout le sujet de notre article, bonne lecture !

Prendre des décisions stratégiques grâce à la data

Vous n’avez pas pu y échapper : le développement des nouvelles technologies a apporté des changements profonds dans tous les secteurs d’activité. Les entreprises ont dû s’adapter à l’accélération de l’innovation. Celle-ci a notamment provoqué de nouvelles attentes de la part des consommateurs : plus de personnalisation, plus d’immédiateté, plus de simplicité, etc. 

Votre entreprise, et vous, en tant que dirigeant, doit s’adapter à ce nouveau rythme – et même l’anticiper – pour que vos produits et services restent actuels, différenciants et pertinents pour vos prospects. Comment ? En recueillant des data. Celles-ci permettent de comprendre les évolutions en cours et de prendre des décisions stratégiques éclairées. Le tout est d’identifier les data pertinentes et de savoir les exploiter.

Veille de marché et infobésité

Quelles sont ces fameuses data à recueillir et étudier ? Le terme peut sembler nébuleux, très lié à l’informatique. En fait, ces data sont partout. Pour que vous en ayez une idée plus précise, voici une illustration de ce qu’il se passe en 1 minute sur internet en 2020.

Une minute sur internet en 2020
Une minute sur internet en 2020

Ce schéma que l’on pourrait nommer “La data ne dort jamais”, à juste titre. Les réseaux sociaux et autres plateformes sont des sources inépuisables, ou presque. En 2010, Eric Shmidt – alors PDG de Google – déclarait :

“Nous créons autant de data tous les deux jours que toutes celles créées depuis le début de l’humanité jusqu’en 2003.”

Si la citation vous interroge, elle a été confirmée par plusieurs études. Et nous avons d’ailleurs dépassé largement ces seuils depuis 10 ans : en 1999, 1,5 hexaoctets d’information avait été produit par l’humanité, soit 1 610 612 736 gigaoctets. En 2020, il s’agissait de près de 50 zettaoctets. Sachant qu’un zettaoctet est égal à mille milliards de gigaoctets, nous vous laissons imaginer les data que cela représente ! 

Un autre élément à prendre en compte, non négligeable : les data sont également privées pour partie. Expliquons-nous : elles appartiennent aux entreprises, particulièrement les grands groupes. C’est ce qu’évoquait Virginia Rometty, alors PDG d’IBM en 2017 : 

“Twenty percent of the world’s data is searchable. Anybody can get to that 20. But 80 percent of the world’s data, which is where I think the real gold is, whether it’s decades of underwriting, pricing, customer experience, risk in loans – that is all with our clients.”

Encore faut-il savoir exploiter ces data, qui dorment souvent sur des serveurs, faute d’outils et de compétences pour en faire sens.
C’est le paradoxe que nous vivons aujourd’hui : la data est présente partout, facilement accessible. C’est une excellente nouvelle pour les entreprises : vous pouvez l’utiliser pour prendre vos décisions stratégiques. En revanche, il n’a jamais été aussi compliqué de l’exploiter efficacement : vous en faites sans doute l’expérience, vos équipes sont probablement noyées sous des masses d’informations. Il est difficile d’identifier les points pertinents, sans se laisser submerger par ceux qui ne vous concernent pas.
Cela se traduit par des temps de recherche longs, avec des processus peu précis. Les signaux faibles sont difficiles à détecter. Même si vos équipes réussissent à extraire les informations pertinentes, il est souvent difficile de faire parler la data et de l’exploiter pour orienter vos décisions.

S’appuyer sur la technologie pour optimiser sa veille de marché

Heureusement, la technologie vient à votre secours : des outils proposent des solutions pour recueillir la data facilement. Chez INVYO, nous allons plus loin : nous nous connectons à d’autres solutions pour recueillir les data, qu’elles soient internes ou externes à votre entreprise, et nous les traduisons pour que vous puissiez réellement prendre des décisions en vous appuyant dessus. 

Prenons le cas d’usage de l’un de nos clients, Exton Consulting. Ce cabinet de conseil en stratégie et management, spécialisé dans les services financiers, réalise de nombreuses études pour le compte de ses clients. Leur but est simple : monitorer un marché pour en expliquer les problématiques aux décideurs de la banque et de l’assurance. 

Pour faciliter leurs recherches, ils utilisent la solution Market Data Discovery d’INVYO. Pourquoi ?

“Il est difficile de s’y retrouver dans les data, nos analystes peuvent facilement se noyer dans la myriade d’informations disponibles. Grâce aux algorithmes data d’Invyo, nous avons automatisé notre veille de marché. La technologie vient en soutien à notre expertise : nous nous appuyons sur les data récoltées pour faire des recommandations à nos clients”.

– Jean-Louis Delpérié, associé, Exton Consulting

Les équipes d’Exton Consulting peuvent facilement cibler des phénomènes pour les expliquer grâce aux solutions d’INVYO. Si, vous aussi, vous cherchez à faire parler la data, vous pouvez suivre notre blog pour commencer … et nous contacter si vous êtes prêt à passer à l’action !


Discover AI For Finance 2021 : the biggest AI forum in Europe


Join INVYO next September 21st 2021 to attend European AI For Finance Summit at Palais Brongniart (Paris, France) which is organized by Start upInside and La Place Fintech.

European AI For Finance At a Glance

This year the event will be hybrid for a Phygital experience at Palais Brongniart & Online.

This gathering will welcome senior financial executives and fintech’s CEOs who are driving strategic innovation in technology and giving some talks about their AI practices in the financial sector.

+2000 attendees C-level

AI For Finance 2021 is expected to welcome 500+ C-Level attendees including :

  • Alexandra Syrovatski, Head of Financial Services of Google Cloud
  • Philippe Aymerich, Deputy CEO of Société Générale
  • Jacques Teissières, Director of the Finance District EMEA of Netapp
  • Pauline Leclerc-Glorieux, CEO of BNP Paribas Cardif
  • Philippe Sanchis, CEO of Vialink
  • Axelle Lemaire, Global Head of Terra Numerata, Former Minister of State for the Digital Sector
  • Ken Dodelin, Vice President of Mobile, Web, Conversational AI & Messaging Products at Capital One
  • Gimena Diaz, VP Southern Europe Middle East & Africa at Onfido

Why should you come?

La Place Fintech and Startup Inside organize this event.
BFM TV studio will be relocalized at Palais Brongniart for the occasion.

INVYO is proud to join La Place Fintech and Startup Inside during this European AI for Finance event.

La Place Fintech is the new hub for innovation actors in financial sectors whereas Startup Inside represents a huge ecosystem of experts in Open innovation, AI and Intrapreneurship operating to help Fortune 500 companies in their digital transformation.

Thank to these two founding members, the large attendance will cover miscellaneous topics.

The conferences will be conducted around key themes such as:

  • Cybersecurity and AI
  • Industrialized AI
  • The challenges of AI in a context of hypergrowth
  • AI to serve customer and employee experience
  • AI for fraud detection and identity verification
  • Empower financial institution advisors with responsible AI adoption and advanced data

Register now : 👉 Book Your Tickets !

For more details about the event, click here 👉 https://aiforfinance.startupinside.com/

INVYO Insights is glad to join the event as a data partner.

Do not hesitate to contact us before if you want to manage a meeting with our team to share thoughts, become a contributor or pitch your Fintech to be featured on our media !


Using NLP to master your data projects internally 🎓


Starting from the basics: What is NLP?

Basically, NLP, which stands for “Natural Language Processing”, refers to computers’ ability to exploit resources that belong to the field of language either through text or audio content. NLP is highly involved in many industrial frameworks thus allowing us for instance to ask questions to voice assistants such as Siri or Alexa or to parse the Web seeking for relevant answers through Search Engines whose core algorithms mostly remain confidential.

By nature, NLP is thus at the crossroads of two main domains which are respectively Linguistics and Computer Science while being (rightly) associated to many other buzzwords such as AI (Artificial Intelligence), Big Data and Machine (Deep) Learning.

Ok but I am not a data scientist, why should I care?

Data science is deeply transforming the structure of enterprises of all industries, sizes and types, and nearly everyone internally is or will soon be affected by its progress. Through NLP, referred to as a sub-segment of Data Science, it is very easy to understand the impact it will have on your everyday job.

First, NLP is used in a wide range of mass applications allowing almost any of us to easily jump into Data Science with a minimal knowledge of programming. Learning and practicing programming and NLP is no longer left to experts since the Internet is full of high-quality step-by-step tutorials that can help you get into it at your own pace.

Here is a list of some sources you should know:

As said before, NLP is presenting many fields of application and thus, it contributes to its universality. Businesses have also spotted its huge potential and are already using it for various uses cases like fraud detection, document recognition, customer engagement through voice assistants or text correction. Today, NLP is even able to help companies better interact with their customers by predicting their next request or claims.

In spite of rapid progress, there is also so much more to come. One of the most suggestive illustration of what is left to be done in the field of NLP would be the example of chatbots. Most of you probably already experienced the disappointment and the frustration when we first “discussed” with the promising chatbots implemented by many companies. The gap between our expected answer and the one provided by those chatbots were such that some of us never reiterated the experience.

Despite remaining challenges, the benefits of NLP for your organization are endless and will undoubtedly contribute to assist you for all the repetitive tasks to improve your efficiency and focus more on better serving your customers, and ultimately be more competitive compared to your peers.

Being trained to the impact of NLP at all layers of your business will also contribute to accelerate the digital transformation of your organization while improving performances at all levels.

Discover more about our BI tools 👉 https://invyo.io/

Enhancing Human Capital Value in the Age of FinTech Part #2

Penda Coulibaly

By Penda Coulibaly

A Boom of Data Science and AI Jobs in Finance

A logical outcome of the recent crisis is that employers are increasingly responsive to the needs of workers and investors. At the same time, major investors want to put their money into projects they truly believe in, while employees want to work for businesses or institutions that share their vision. As a result, a greater focus is being paid to issues of corporate sustainability, digital and human capital. This is especially striking in finance.

Apart from new forms of communication between colleagues and clients, the crisis has prompted finance and asset management firms to increasingly rely on data science. It is a useful tool for predicting future client behaviour in situations of panic and stress, or for developing new asset allocation and investment portfolio construction models. Meanwhile, banks and financial services companies are developing blockchain platforms and employing AI technology, including algorithms and machine learning, to calibrate and optimise their portfolios, to try to decrease risk and fees, to underwrite loans, or to test new payment methods, among other things.

But top managers’ main focus should be on maximising in-house talent, as well as try to attract more and more talented and creative individuals to their company. At Ampersand World we help them empower their human capital while building a culture for the future.

FinTech Disruptors Create Human Capital Challenges

In tandem with the ongoing digital revolution, the labour market is evolving rapidly before our eyes. According to data collected from Glassdoor, one of the top websites for job search, some of the most common job openings in AI and finance are for machine learning engineers and data engineers. Yet, workers who already work in finance and are willing to learn how to navigate the AI landscape will be in great demand, too, according to Glassdoor senior economist Daniel Zhao.

Since the late 2010s, the financial sector has been experiencing a boom in job offers requiring skills in machine learning, artificial intelligence, and blockchain. In the United States alone, job listings including these requirements increased 60% last year. Artificial intelligence is creating new jobs, but is also displacing old ones. Hundreds of million workers might be displaced by 2025, according to McKinsey Global Institute estimates, with millions of people worldwide who would need to switch occupations or upgrade their skills.

While the surge in FinTech and Artificial Intelligence raises concerns about the future of work, we must not forget that for banks and asset managers the attraction and retention of qualified workforce is key, which is why upskilling and retraining become essential. This is especially true for companies which have invested heavily in Blockchain, FinTech, AI, and – as a by-product – ESG (Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance) criteria, as every technological innovation will have to include sustainable development.

Soft Skills like Creativity and Critical Thinking Become More Relevant

Hence the need to identify the best-fit talent, both in culture and skill-set. LinkedIn data show that last year the most in-demand soft skill for applicants in all industries was creativity. Now that we are well into 2020, it has retained its top place. Study after study shows that as demand for AI, computing and data analysis grows, “so too will the need for human soft skills like creativity, critical thinking, persuasion and negotiation,” writes Bernadette Wightman, Managing Director of BT Group.

ILO senior economist and expert in technological change, Irmgard Nübler, believes that focusing on the development of such soft skills is key to developing a “long-term approach” to the future of work involving governments, employers and civil society. Innovation must ensure sustainable growth without leaving anyone behind. In its latest report on Global Human Capital Trends, Deloitte urges organizations to find ways to remain human in a technology-driven world.

Even if FinTech and AI will eventually take over various segments of the financial industry, the “human factor” is here to stay. At Ampersand World we have been stating this for years. Since day one, our team is trying to lead the way by advocating a new model, which is part of our DNA – that of responsible and innovative leadership that puts people at the centre.


Enhancing Human Capital Value in the Age of FinTech Part #1

Penda Coulibaly

The future is coming faster in the banking industry, but while robots are about to take some of the jobs of the manually skilled, AI programs and FinTech disruptors are coming for the brightest and most creative minds. Bottom line: The human factor is here to stay.

By Penda Coulibaly

The current crisis has intensified several existing megatrends in finance, including digital transformation and sustainability. Lockdowns imposed by authorities around the world have changed consumers’ habits, providing a big boost to FinTech players everywhere. Even in countries that have partially reopened, platforms which used to be the daily options of millennials for shopping or making payments – such as e-commerce, digital payments, and mobile banking apps – have become the popular choice of the older generation’s customers.

It’s not only consumption behaviour that has changed, though. Innovation and sustainability, in particular, are trends destined to drive companies’ and governments’ agendas both in the short term and in the foreseeable future. This presents a tough challenge for the business leaders and top managers who won’t be able to reinvent their strategies quickly. During a recent quarterly earnings call, Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella pointed out, “We’ve seen two years’ worth of digital transformation in two months.”

Megatrends Reshaping Talent Management Globally

The current crisis is widening the gap between firms with resilient, future-ready business models and those with legacy business models. Even before the crisis, commercial and investment banks were closing physical branches and cutting jobs that can be automated. The COVID-19 crisis is amplifying this trend, kickstarting a stronger impetus to digitalise all financial services, and upgrade the workforce. FinTech is disrupting the banking industry; there is no way around it.

The acceleration of the digital revolution is having a major impact on employment, as the skill-set required for workers and executives in the financial field is shifting dramatically. While emerging technologies can improve the speed, quality, and cost of goods and services, they may also displace large numbers of workers and create new opportunities for others. Human Resources managers are acting accordingly, as evidenced by the requests that we have been receiving lately at Ampersand World.

Most of our customers are trying to fill their recruitment needs for core and high-level positions in FinTech, AI, and Sustainability by relying on our Tech and Digital branch’s talent pool. It’s a service that gives our clients the possibility to grow their team with experts in emerging technologies. Being aware of the main challenges ahead – and codify them – makes our recruiting firm better prepared to tackle them. We believe that one of the main challenges facing the banking industry is how to enhance its most precious asset – human capital value.


Next part on April 6th

Invyo vous invite au webinar : Euronext Funds360 Jeudi 25 Mars

Webinar Euronext 360 Jeudi 25 Mars

L’abondance de directives et les obligations réglementaires qui en découlent mettent l’ensemble des acteurs sous pression.

Qu’il s’agisse d’AIFMD ou des réglementations de vos Investisseurs (ex. Solvabilité 2), la collecte et le traitement de la data sont autant de défis auxquels l’industrie est confrontée. Les sociétés de gestion sont exposées à des challenges réglementaires grandissants.

Pour autant, des solutions existent… Que vous soyez Ops, Risk ou Compliance le webinar proposé conjointement par Euronext Funds360, WizzInvest & AQMetrics en fera la démonstration et répondra à vos questions.

EuroNext Funds360 vous donne rendez-vous le Jeudi 25 Mars à 11h ! 

Pour réserver votre place : https://bit.ly/3ettBzP
