Robo investing is kicking off in London next September the 9-11th 2019, one of the most important Digital Wealth Summit in Europe addressing top trends in the industry.
The Robo Investing event is expected to welcome more than 500 attendees and 75+ experts speakers from banks, fintech, wealth management and asset management so as to give you key information.
Fintech in the UK: Key Figures
UK fintech startups have hit a record level of $2.9 billion of funding in the first half of this year despite the Brexit’s media coverage.
Source: City AM
In terms of the number of deals, London fintech represented 78% of the UK’s total transactions.
Source: Finextra
Investors were more seduced by payments firms as Checkout.com, Worldremit and Gocardless raised a combined $481m in funding.
Source: City AM
Robo investing At a Glance
INVYO is glad to attend this event. During this three days, you will get an overview of the digital wealth landscape, have scaling advice and enjoy some workshop sessions.
This summit will gathers 500+ C-level executives, founders, and business heads from across the digital wealth industry including :
- Jane Walshe, co-founder and CEO of Enforcd
- Adam French, co-founder of Scalable Capital
- Richard Peers, Senior Director, Financial Services Microsoft
- Maria Jose Jorda Garcia, Head of Digital and Customer at Fundación Microfinanzas BBVA
- Chris Williams, Head of Wealth Propositions at HSBC
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Why should you come ?
Robo Investing enables you to meet different seniors decision makers who are working in retail banks, digital platform, challenger banks, wealth management and other fields.
Through this event, speakers will cover a wild range of subjects as :
- Financial Inclusion : the ability of those fintech to make the financial access easier
- Cyber Regulation
- The blockchain’s impact on asset management
- The use of intelligent portfolios
For more topics, check agenda out here 👉 https://bit.ly/2Vy0OSi
Invyo Insights is glad to join the event as a partner. We will give you our insights so that you can follow the best of Robo Investing 2019 if you did not have the chance to come directly to Paris to attend the event.
Do not hesitate to contact us before if you want to manage a meeting with our team to share thoughts, become a contributor or pitch your Fintech to be featured on our media!