Brazil is considered as the most important Fintech hub in Latin America with an impressive diversity of Fintech start-ups in sectors like payments, personal finance or insurance.
[divider]FINTECH BRAZIL[/divider]
Brazil has one of the highest Fintech adoption rates in the world: ‘74% of bank customers adopted Fintech services’.
Brazil has more than 200 Fintech startups working in various fields.
Financial technology companies in Brazil could generate $24bn in revenue over the next 10 years.
Nubank is the most funded Fintech start-up in the country and received almost $180 million since its launch in 2013.
As of today, Brazil has only half of its 200 million inhabitants online.
More than 55 million adults in Brazil still don’t have a bank account.
Mobile phone penetration is above 115% in the whole country.
More than 40% of the population remain excluded from traditional banking systems.
Please feel free to add more figures and its sources in the comments below to complete the list of the most interesting figures in Fintech for Brazil.